The National Construction Institute (NCI) has created a series of introductory and pre-apprenticeship programs designed to help young people progressively explore the construction industry and its various career options. At no cost to the students, they are exposed to all aspects of the construction process and receive a general trade skills education. Students also receive valuable OSHA safety training, employability skills, and personal empowerment training while participating in community service and renovation building projects. NCI graduates are better prepared for success in the real world, regardless of which path forward they choose.
This 8-week program is designed to introduce students to the industry, the construction process, and the many diverse career opportunities. The entire curriculum is integrated with personal responsibility, personal empowerment, and personal success skills. OSHA safety training and certification prepares students for their hands-on education in tools, materials and general construction practices. Problem-solving and project management exercises lead the class to design and implement their own Community Service Project in a project based learning model.
At this level, the academic bar is very attainable but the personal integrity and active participation requirement will be rigorous. Mental and emotional toughness will be developed to prepare our students for the real world. Lunch is provided daily and a modest stipend is used to teach the value of integrity to your word and your commitments. A set of personal hand tools are provided to each student, they are held accountable for them and required to maintain them in good working condition. Students are allowed to keep their tools when they successfully complete the program. Several options will be available to students as they are encouraged to consider their next steps forward.
After successful graduation from “Boot Camp”, students can choose to enter the workforce as general laborers or continue their education in our field training program. NCI will partner with local building contractors that are working on our Building Futures neighborhood redevelopment projects to provide structured intern programs. Both the students and our affiliate contractors will be required to complete a defined schedule of skill building projects and exercises on active construction sites. The students are paid a stipend for their participation upon competently completing the course objectives and passing written exams.
The duration for completing this program will be another skill building exercise for the students. Personal ambition, desire, and drive will shape the students experience at every level. The partner contractors are only required to consistently offer the opportunity for mentored education and training, it will be the student's responsibility to complete the clearly defined program objectives ASAP. The sooner the program is completed, the sooner the students can move into the workforce at a higher skill level and value or consider their next steps forward.
The Apprentice level will have many options. There are several existing building trades and vocational career apprenticeship programs throughout the country. NCI will gladly recommend any of our students or graduates to consider enrolling in one of these programs and will assist them with their applications. Our Building Futures partner contractors will also offer an NCI sponsored apprenticeship program to their employees. This option will provide paid employment and a structured continuing education program to quickly bring our students up to the next levels of skill and value to the construction industry.
Students will be encouraged to learn and progress as fast as their ability and ambition will motivate them. The faster you learn and the more you learn in this industry the more valuable you become and the more employment options you have. Work ethic, teamwork and leadership skills will be critical to personal success and advancement at this level. Becoming aware of the value of 100% completion and how to focus on reaching that goal with any task quickly and efficiently will bring tremendous success and endless opportunity, in any chosen path forward.
NCI is currently developing curriculum for several additional advanced programs. These will range from Journeyman Carpenter and Master Craftsman to General Contractor and Master Builder levels. As our NCI education programs and Building Futures community redevelopment programs grow, so will the demand for these advanced education options.
Stay tuned!